
Young Leader Meeting

Matt Elliott

8:15 AM

Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History

Matt Elliott

Michigan Market President

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

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About This Meeting

DEC Young Leaders enjoyed a breakfast meeting on May 12, 2017 with Matt Elliott, Michigan Market Leader, Bank of America Merrill Lynch.  The sold-out meeting was held at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History.

Matt Elliott opened by discussing today’s exponential pace of change and how responsible growth is a key for longevity and success. He told YLs that customers and employees want to align themselves with brands and employers they feel good about. Matt encouraged YLs to consider “ESG” (environmental, social and governance) criteria –  a set of standards for company operations that socially conscious consumers will gravitate towards.

A robust Q&A session followed which included discussions on how to disrupt a staid company culture and Michigan’s growing industries. Afterwards, YLs enjoyed a terrific tour of the “And Still We Rise” exhibition.

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