
Member Meeting

The Power of Place: How Space Helps Attract Talent and Boost Engagement

11:30 AM

Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Jim Keane

President & CEO

Steelcase Inc.

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Cathy Engelbert, CEO of Deloitte LLP, and Jim Keane, President & CEO of Steelcase Inc., spoke to the Detroit Economic Club Monday, May 18th, 2015, about how innovation in technology is transforming the way their organizations work.

“The role of leaders is to build an agile organization and culture that is able to make good decisions,” said Keane. “So it is not to make decisions, but build a culture that makes decisions and that is a transformative moment for a lot of leaders right now.”

Engelbert added, “One of the things I hear clearly is the word ingenuity. This isn’t always about the shiny new technology. It is coupling those shiny new technologies with existing assets and know-how and packaging them from a value perspective. This is where leadership really has to play a role in innovation because innovation means a lot of different things to different people.”

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