Ambassador Ron Dermer

June 4, 2018

11:30 am - 5:00 pm

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Israel’s Ambassador to the United States of America

In a June 4th meeting exclusively for DEC members and their guests, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer discussed his country’s economic transformation. Dermer described Israel’s journey from a formerly socialist country to a free-market, technology and innovation hotspot. “But I do know this, that socialism and genius do not go together. There is no greater straight jacket for genius than socialism,” Dermer said while commenting on Israel’s economic past.

Dermer went on to explain the secret to Israel’s current economic success. “This combination of genius, free markets and chutzpah creates enormous opportunities for Israel and everyone who partners with Israel like the state of Michigan.”


Mark Davidoff

Presiding Officer

Michigan Managing Partner

Deloitte LLP