Technology Impacts on Industry and How to Prepare Future Workers Now

May 11, 2023

11:00 am - 1:30 pm

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President & CEO

Lawrence Technological University

RObert Rainey

President & CEO

Henry Ford Health


President & CEO

Lear Corporation


The DEC hosted Robert Riney, President & CEO of Henry Ford Health, Ray Scott, President & CEO of Lear Corporation, and Dr. Tarek Sobh, President & CEO of Lawrence Technological University, on Thursday, May 11, at Ford Field. In a fireside chat with the DEC’s Steve Grigorian, the panel discussed “Technology Impacts on Industry and How to Prepare Future Workers Now” and answered questions from the audience.

This meeting also included the culmination of the DEC Career Readiness Academy (CRA) program. High school students utilized the skills they learned during the 6-month career exploration program by networking with attendees. To learn more about CRA, click here.

Today’s workforce and workplace has undergone massive upheaval. The DEC in partnership with Detroit Public TV presents a Future of Work Series that will examine the multi-faceted trends and issues every company faces. 

Angie Kelly

Presiding Officer

Office Managing Partner